Josh Geiger - Builder/architect

Josh Geiger is a devoted husband, father of 5 beautiful children, and inspired visionary. He has a BA of Science in Horticulture and has extensive study in the fields of sustainable agriculture, mycology, and community development. For the past 15 years he has worked as a permaculturist, mycologist, home designer and Natural Builder. Josh has always been interested in the fractal patterns found in nature, and wondered how nature is so gracefully perpetual. This led him into the study of the Natural Science of Phi Fractal Physics, which has greatly inspired his architectural designs and building style. It was this science that led Josh into the field of BioArchitecture, which is where he met his dear friend and business partner Juan Schlosser. Together as BioArc, they are pioneering an innovative new building technology where they are able to accumulate biologically beneficial charge in their structures using resonant geometry and proper materials selection.

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