star magic

Design by Bio Arc in collaboration with Jerry Sargent and Annahata Creation

Star Magic and  Bio Arc’s share vision 

'As you reorient toward the new way of being in the world, you will be drawn to centers where the vibrational atmosphere is more conducive to a healthy state of function.

These centers will represent the focal points around which the organs of Planetary Being will form. They will be, in a sense, islands of the future in a sea of the past.

Within their vibrational field, the New Age will blossom and spread organically to cover the Earth. These will be the first beachheads secured by the approaching forces, the points of entry through which the healing energies of transformation will be channelled. All of these centers will work together to prepare the human species for its collective awakening.' 

Ken Carey





interior design by annhata design


Join this World-Changing Initiative!
We're seeking visionary partners to invest in this transformative impact project. If you're ready to align with a groundbreaking mission, reach out to us. For more details about Star Magic and how you can be part of this journey, visit their our website.